=== START CALAMARES 3.3.3 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::init() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Calamares version: 3.3.3 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: .. Using settings: "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/settings.conf" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: .. Using log file: "/home/nixos/.cache/calamares/session.log" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: .. languages: ("ar", "as", "ast", "az", "az_AZ", "be", "bg", "bn", "ca", "ca@valencia", "cs_CZ", "da", "de", "el", "en", "en_GB", "eo", "es", "es_AR", "es_MX", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi_FI", "fr", "fur", "gl", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it_IT", "ja", "ka", "ko", "lt", "ml", "mr", "nb", "nl", "oc", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "si", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sr@latin", "sv", "tg", "th", "tr_TR", "uk", "vi", "zh_CN", "zh_TW") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: bool Calamares::initQmlModulesDir() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Using Calamares QML directory "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Using Calamares branding file at "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos/branding.desc" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [2]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [2]: WARNING: the branding component "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos" does not ship translations. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: Loaded branding component "nixos" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en_US" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:44 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en_US" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:45 [6]: .. STARTUP: initSettings, initQmlPath, initBranding done 2024-06-25 - 02:09:45 [6]: .. STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::doInit() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: Found 59 modules 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: STARTUP: initJobQueue done 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: CalamaresWindow::CalamaresWindow(QWidget*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: Available desktop QSize(1920, 1080) minimum size QSize(1024, 520) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:46 [6]: .. Proposed window size: 1024 520 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [2]: QString Calamares::_stylesheet(const QDir&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [2]: WARNING: The branding component "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos" does not ship stylesheet.qss. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: void Config::initLanguages() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: Trying to match locale "en_US" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: void Config::initLanguages() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: Trying to match locale QLocale(English, Latin, United States) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: Index 14 Selected locale "en" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "tz_" "en" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:48 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: ViewModule "welcome@welcome" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: QStringList loadLocales(const QString&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Loading locales from "/run/current-system/sw/share/i18n/SUPPORTED" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. Read 502 lines 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. After filtering 324 lines 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: KeyboardModelsModel::KeyboardModelsModel(QObject*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Loaded 186 keyboard models 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel::KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel(QObject*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Loaded 40 keyboard groups 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage(Config*, QWidget*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Variants now total= 0 selected= -1 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: KeyboardPage::KeyboardPage(Config*, QWidget*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Groups now total= 40 selected= -1 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "kb_" "en" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [2]: void Config::locale1Apply() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [2]: WARNING: Could not set keyboard config through org.freedesktop.locale1.X11Keyboard. QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported", "Changing system settings via systemd is not supported on NixOS.") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. libpwquality setting "minlen=0" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. libpwquality setting "minclass=0" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: .. minLength set to 1 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: ViewModule "users@users" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Using module ID "packagechooser@packagechooser" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: void fillModel(PackageListModel*, const QVariantList&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:49 [6]: Loading PackageChooser model items from config 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: .. Loaded PackageChooser with 12 entries. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: ViewModule "packagechooser@packagechooser" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: Using module ID "packagechooserq@unfree" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [2]: WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "packagechooserq@unfree" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: Looking for QML for "packagechooserq@unfree" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: .. Looking at QML file "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos/packagechooserq@unfree.qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: .. Looking at QML file "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos/packagechooserq.qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: .. Looking at QML file ":/packagechooserq@unfree.qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: QmlViewStep "packagechooserq@unfree" loading "qrc:/packagechooserq@unfree.qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:50 [6]: ViewModule "packagechooserq@unfree" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Calamares::Partition::InternalManager::InternalManager() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: KPMCore backend starting .. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Loaded backend plugin: "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: .. Backend @0x373e2f0 "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" "1" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: WARNING: Partition-module setting *defaultPartitionTableType* is unset, will use gpt for efi or msdos for bios 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [1]: void PartitionLayout::init(FileSystem::Type, const QVariantList&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [1]: ERROR: Partition layout entry # 0 lacks mandatory attributes, switching to default layout. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Module "partition@partition" already loaded. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QML import paths: "/nix/store/ni4avd7hxirxhywz5pcw2avilb4w2miy-calamares-3.3.3/share/calamares/qml" "/nix/store/ni4avd7hxirxhywz5pcw2avilb4w2miy-calamares-3.3.3/bin" "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports" "/nix/store/2w8hwr8fa78c5jgh2g9wjj8dhmwb8y23-qtwebengine-5.15.17-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/xmv6kr5v88x8fpd6n9zv76w2xik4qv5z-qtwebchannel-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/dfhcp4bgkhigizvn3i3p3vbamxy54ym4-qtlocation-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/ln7k4mimn6y562w61bfkgjhlszisvjfx-qtmultimedia-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/yg335d63dgas8j9bcwmdjy15amg542nw-kirigami2-5.116.0/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/bkyj09f0l64n8ba0dk0cf7pynwwrv39q-qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.14/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/8n3i62xsgw97ssz9098hixvf78q5p1ws-qtquickcontrols2-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/dak1yjh2sw57id14psraa3nfdv3j095j-knotifications-5.116.0-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/422vzb1071lvwgwvhgmh9ap7pk81niw3-solid-5.116.0-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/8lrzh46ddsyli11g44lhh64ha35dbffi-sonnet-5.116.0-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/43aas30kj0wcl7myzs98wi9nfg14hmsc-ki18n-5.116.0-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/r11ll6axljlgd779v598vvnpdpmq2k91-qtwayland-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/pjfkh141qyxdmn69312l2r6v1saw0yid-qtquickcontrols-5.15.14/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" "/nix/store/65dwjv5mgsq2pfairgjqajcdq4j8my1q-qtdeclarative-5.15.14-bin/lib/qt-5.15.14/qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QML load on startup, API 2. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: WARNING: No config file for "nixos" found anywhere at "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/modules/nixos.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/nixos.conf" "/nix/store/ni4avd7hxirxhywz5pcw2avilb4w2miy-calamares-3.3.3/share/calamares/modules/nixos.conf" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Module "users@users" already loaded. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: CppJobModule "umount@umount" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: void Config::locale1Apply() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [2]: WARNING: Could not set keyboard config through org.freedesktop.locale1.X11Keyboard. QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported", "Changing system settings via systemd is not supported on NixOS.") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: .. 10 view steps loaded. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: .. Loaded QRC translation "kb_" "en" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: void Calamares::SlideshowQML::loadQmlV2Complete() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:51 [6]: QML component complete, API 2 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: .. Loading "/run/current-system/sw/share/calamares/branding/nixos/show.qml" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: QML component "qrc:/packagechooserq@unfree.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: .. QML component complete "qrc:/packagechooserq@unfree.qml" creating object 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@unfree.qml:25: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@unfree.qml:24: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:52 [6]: Remaining modules: 1 "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:53 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting temp failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-25 - 02:09:53 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting powered on time failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-25 - 02:09:53 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting power cycles failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-25 - 02:09:53 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): smartctl initialization failed for "/dev/sda" : No such file or directory 2024-06-25 - 02:09:53 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): error during smart output parsing for "/dev/sda" : Success 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: QList PartUtils::getDevices(DeviceType) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: Removing unsuitable devices: 2 candidates. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::reportProgress() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: Remaining modules: 1 "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("blkid", "") Exit code: 2 (no output) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p1") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p2") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("blkid", "") Exit code: 2 (no output) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:54 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda1") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Running ("blkid", "/dev/sda2") 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. there are 2 devices left. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::doInit() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES: 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. node capacity name prettyName 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. "/dev/nvme0n1" 512105932800 DevName$8403f5ed DevNamePretty$776f9c8b 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. "/dev/sda" 123041963520 DevName$10115b00 DevNamePretty$ab82def9 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. 2 devices detected. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [1]: OsproberEntryList PartUtils::runOsprober(DeviceModel*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [1]: ERROR: os-prober cannot start. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: OsproberEntryList PartUtils::runOsprober(DeviceModel*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: os-prober gave no output. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: No partitioning choice has been made yet 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Updating partitioning state widgets. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Setting up actions for "/dev/nvme0n1" with 0 entries. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1" , filesystem "unknown" does not support resize. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1" can be replaced. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. NO, insufficient storage Required storage B: 11274289152 "(10GiB)" Available storage B: 1048576 "(0GiB)" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1p1" , filesystem "fat32" does not support resize. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p1" can be replaced. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. NO, insufficient storage Required storage B: 11274289152 "(10GiB)" Available storage B: 536870912 "(0GiB)" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p2" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. contains resizable "/dev/nvme0n1p2" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p2" can be replaced. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p2" authorized for replace install. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. contains replaceable "/dev/nvme0n1p2" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. NO, insufficient storage Required storage B: 13421772800 "(12.5GiB)" Available storage B: 9448928256 "(8GiB)" for "/dev/nvme0n1p3" length: 18454938 sectorsUsed: 0 fsType: "linuxswap" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1p3" can be replaced. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. NO, insufficient storage Required storage B: 11274289152 "(10GiB)" Available storage B: 9448928256 "(8GiB)" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Can not resize "/dev/nvme0n1" , filesystem "unknown" does not support resize. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. Checking if "/dev/nvme0n1" can be replaced. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. NO, insufficient storage Required storage B: 11274289152 "(10GiB)" Available storage B: 4240896 "(0GiB)" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: ChoicePage::setupActions():: 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Setting texts for 0 osprober entries 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void ChoicePage::continueApplyDeviceChoice() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Previous device -1 new device 0 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: InstallChoice Config::NoChoice "none" 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: No partitioning choice has been made yet 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: No partitioning choice has been made yet 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: No partitioning choice has been made yet 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:09:55 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:00 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:05 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:10 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:15 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:20 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:25 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://geoip.kde.org/v1/calamares") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: QPair synchronousRun(QNetworkAccessManager*, const QUrl&, const Calamares::Network::RequestOptions&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: HTTP error QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError on request for QUrl("https://cache.nixos.org/") 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : false isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? false mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: void CheckerContainer::requirementsComplete(bool) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: Requirements not satisfied 6 entries: 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. 2 "power" not-satisfied mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:30 [6]: .. 3 "internet" not-satisfied mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: Checking module requirements .. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: bool GeneralRequirements::checkHasPower() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:35 [6]: A battery exists, checking for mains power. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: GeneralRequirements output: storage : 10737418240 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : false hasInternet : true isRoot : unchecked 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: Got 5 requirement results from "welcome" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: All requirements have been checked. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: Requirements model has 6 items 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? false mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 4 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false 2024-06-25 - 02:10:36 [6]: .. requirement 5 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 2024-06-25 - 02:10:37 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) 2024-06-25 - 02:10:37 [6]: Mapping "en" in "US" to locale. 2024-06-25 - 02:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AG" 2024-06-25 - 02:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: Mapping "en" in "US" to locale. 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AG" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: Mapping "en" in "US" to locale. 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AG" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:37 [6]: .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:39 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 22:10:39 [6]: Mapping "en" in "CA" to locale. 2024-06-24 - 22:10:39 [6]: .. Got best match for "en" as "en_AG" 2024-06-24 - 22:10:39 [6]: .. Got best match for "en_CA" as "en_CA.UTF-8" 2024-06-24 - 19:10:41 [6]: void Config::guessLocaleKeyboardLayout() 2024-06-24 - 19:10:41 [6]: Got locale language "en_CA.UTF-8" 2024-06-24 - 19:10:41 [6]: .. special case language "en_CA" becomes "us" 2024-06-24 - 19:10:41 [6]: .. looking for locale part "us" 2024-06-24 - 19:10:41 [6]: .. matched "us" 2024-06-24 - 19:10:54 [6]: void Config::setHostName(const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:10:54 [6]: Ignoring hostname "b-zenbookux434facux434fa" No hostname will be set. 2024-06-24 - 19:10:54 [6]: void Config::setHostName(const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:10:54 [6]: Ignoring hostname "be-zenbookux434facux434fa" No hostname will be set. 2024-06-24 - 19:10:55 [6]: void Config::setHostName(const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:10:55 [6]: Ignoring hostname "ben-zenbookux434facux434fa" No hostname will be set. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:05 [6]: void Config::updateGlobalStorage(const QStringList&) const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:05 [6]: "packagechooser@packagechooser" selected "gnome" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:05 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:05 [6]: QML "onActivate()" is missing. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: InstallChoice Config::Erase "erase" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: PartitionTable* CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable trying to make table for device "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [2]: WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: # Queue: 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. ## Device: "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionTableJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. - SetPartFlagsJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: .. ## Device: "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:08 [6]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: InstallChoice Config::Erase "erase" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting temp failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting powered on time failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting power cycles failed for "/dev/nvme0n1" : Success 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: PartitionTable* CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable trying to make table for device "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [2]: WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: quint64 swapSuggestion(quint64, Config::SwapChoice) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: Suggested swap size: 8 GiB 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: # Queue: 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. ## Device: "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionTableJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. - SetPartFlagsJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. - CreatePartitionJob 2024-06-24 - 19:11:10 [6]: .. ## Device: "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: virtual QString PartitionViewStep::prettyStatus() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Summary for Partition 1 Config::Erase 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Checking LVM use on 2 devices 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Building partition information map 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "EFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "ext4" fsName : "ext4" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "linuxswap" fsName : "linuxswap" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "Ventoy" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$fab16118" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "exfat" fsName : "exfat" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$df775cf" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "VTOYEFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$3d8126c0" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "1" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "fat16" fsName : "fat16" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b310d469" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Building partition information map 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "EFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "ext4" fsName : "ext4" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "linuxswap" fsName : "linuxswap" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "Ventoy" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$fab16118" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "exfat" fsName : "exfat" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$df775cf" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "VTOYEFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$3d8126c0" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "1" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "fat16" fsName : "fat16" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b310d469" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Checking LVM use on 2 devices 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Building partition information map 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "EFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "ext4" fsName : "ext4" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "linuxswap" fsName : "linuxswap" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "Ventoy" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$fab16118" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "exfat" fsName : "exfat" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$df775cf" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "VTOYEFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$3d8126c0" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "1" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "fat16" fsName : "fat16" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b310d469" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Building partition information map 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "EFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "ext4" fsName : "ext4" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "linuxswap" fsName : "linuxswap" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "Ventoy" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$fab16118" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "exfat" fsName : "exfat" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$df775cf" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "VTOYEFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$3d8126c0" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "1" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "fat16" fsName : "fat16" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b310d469" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: void ensureSize(QWidget*, QScrollArea*, Calamares::ViewStep*) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:14 [6]: Summary widget is larger than viewport, enlarge by 274 to QSize(834, 761) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): QML Component (default slideshow) activated 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Checking LVM use on 2 devices 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: void Calamares::JobThread::finalize() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: There are 15 jobs, total weight 5 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 1 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.1 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 2 "Clearing all temporary mounts…" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.2 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 3 "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/nvme0n1" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.3 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 4 "Creating new gpt partition table on /dev/nvme0n1…" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.4 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 5 "Create new 512MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8) with entries EFI" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.5 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 6 "Set flags on 512MiB fat32 partition" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.6 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 7 "Create new 478857MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8) with entries root" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.7 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 8 "Create new 9011MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8)" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.8 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 9 "Set partition information" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 0.9 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 10 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.1 tot.wt 1 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 11 "mount" +wt 1 tot.wt 2 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 12 "nixos" +wt 1 tot.wt 3 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 13 "Set password for user kui" +wt 0.5 tot.wt 3.5 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 14 "Set password for user root" +wt 0.5 tot.wt 4 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: .. Job 15 "Unmounting file systems…" +wt 1 tot.wt 5 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 1 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Set automount to disable 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: void Calamares::Partition::querySolidAutoMount(QDBusConnection&, AutoMountInfo&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Solid not available: "The name org.kde.kded5 was not provided by any .service files" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Starting job "Clearing all temporary mounts…" ( 2 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Starting job "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/nvme0n1" ( 3 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [2]: QStringList getLVMVolumes() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [2]: WARNING: this system does not seem to have LVM2 tools. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [2]: QStringList getPVGroups(const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [2]: WARNING: this system does not seem to have LVM2 tools. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: QStringList getPartitionsForDevice(const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:16 [6]: Reading from "/proc/partitions" looking for "nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult ClearMountsJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done: 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: Starting job "Creating new gpt partition table on /dev/nvme0n1…" ( 4 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult CreatePartitionTableJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: Creating new partition table of type "gpt" , uncommitted partitions: 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. "unallocated" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. "New Partition" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. "New Partition" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. "New Partition" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. Running ("lsblk") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. lsblk output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 2.4G 1 loop /nix/.ro-store sda 8:0 1 114.6G 0 disk |-sda1 8:1 1 114.6G 0 part | `-ventoy 254:0 0 2.4G 1 dm /iso `-sda2 8:2 1 32M 0 part /run/media/nixos/VTOYEFI nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk |-nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part |-nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 467.6G 0 part `-nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 8.8G 0 part 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. Running ("mount") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:17 [6]: .. mount output: devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,size=396612k,nr_inodes=986168,mode=755) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=3,mode=620,ptmxmode=666) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,size=3966088k) proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,size=1983044k,mode=755) ramfs on /run/keys type ramfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=750) tmpfs on /run/wrappers type tmpfs (rw,nodev,relatime,size=3966088k,mode=755) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on / type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755) /dev/mapper/ventoy on /iso type iso9660 (ro,relatime,nojoliet,check=s,map=n,blocksize=2048,iocharset=utf8) /iso/nix-store.squashfs on /nix/.ro-store type squashfs (ro,relatime,errors=continue,threads=single) tmpfs on /nix/.rw-store type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755) overlay on /nix/store type overlay (rw,relatime,lowerdir=/mnt-root/nix/.ro-store,upperdir=/mnt-root/nix/.rw-store/store,workdir=/mnt-root/nix/.rw-store/work,uuid=on) overlay on /nix/store type overlay (ro,relatime,lowerdir=/mnt-root/nix/.ro-store,upperdir=/mnt-root/nix/.rw-store/store,workdir=/mnt-root/nix/.rw-store/work,uuid=on) securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup type cgroup2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate,memory_recursiveprot) pstore on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) bpf on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) hugetlbfs on /dev/hugepages type hugetlbfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,pagesize=2M) fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=793216k,nr_inodes=198304,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=100) gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=100) portal on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=100) /dev/sda2 on /run/media/nixos/VTOYEFI type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=100,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks2) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:18 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:18 [6]: Starting job "Create new 512MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8) with entries EFI" ( 5 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:20 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:20 [6]: Starting job "Set flags on partition /dev/nvme0n1p1" ( 6 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:20 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult SetPartFlagsJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:20 [6]: Setting flags on "/dev/nvme0n1" partition "/dev/nvme0n1p1" "boot" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:21 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:21 [6]: Starting job "Create new 478857MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8) with entries root" ( 7 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:36 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): QML Component (default slideshow) Next slide 2024-06-24 - 19:11:37 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:37 [6]: Starting job "Create new 9011MiB partition on /dev/nvme0n1 (INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8)" ( 8 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Starting job "Set partition information" ( 9 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Building partition information map 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/nvme0n1" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ac65fe13" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p1" "/dev/nvme0n1p1" partlabel : "EFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$38507885" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p2" "/dev/nvme0n1p2" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "ext4" fsName : "ext4" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$ba0f52a5" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/nvme0n1p3" "/dev/nvme0n1p3" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$5178e399" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "linuxswap" fsName : "linuxswap" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$1379bdc0" claimed : "true" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. partitions on "/dev/sda" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "Ventoy" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$fab16118" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "exfat" fsName : "exfat" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$df775cf" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "VTOYEFI" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$3d8126c0" parttype : "EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7" partattrs : "1" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "fat16" fsName : "fat16" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$b310d469" claimed : "false" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Saving partition information map to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: FillGlobalStorageJob writing empty bootLoader value 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 10 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Restore automount settings 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:39 [6]: Starting job "mount" ( 11 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_CA" in "/nix/store/yl0m9g65iv1wa6lrbbk959ag2ahw355b-glib-2.80.2/share/locale/en_CA" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "ext4", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/nvme0n1p2", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "vfat", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/boot") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:41 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/dev") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/dev") Exit code: 32 output: mount: /tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/dev: /dev is not a block device. dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /dev" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "proc", "-o", "defaults", "proc", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/proc") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "defaults", "tmpfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/run") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:42 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/run/udev") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/run/udev") Exit code: 32 output: mount: /tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/run/udev: /run/udev is not a block device. dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /run/udev" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "sysfs", "-o", "defaults", "sys", "/tmp/calamares-root-qd2372he/sys") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: .. Running ("sync") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:43 [6]: Starting job "nixos" ( 12 / 15 ) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_CA" in "/nix/store/yl0m9g65iv1wa6lrbbk959ag2ahw355b-glib-2.80.2/share/locale/en_CA" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key hostname 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key keyboardVConsoleKeymap 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key autoLoginUser 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key autoLoginUser 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. Running ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") Exit code: 255 output: swapon: /dev/nvme0n1p3: swapon failed: Device or resource busy 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [1]: ERROR: [PYTHON JOB]: "Failed to activate swap: /dev/mapper//dev/nvme0n1p3" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: Skipping non-emergency job "Set password for user kui" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. Skipping non-emergency job "Set password for user root" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. Skipping non-emergency job "Unmounting file systems…" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [1]: ERROR: Installation failed: "swapon failed to activate swap /dev/nvme0n1p3" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. - message: "swapon failed to activate swap /dev/nvme0n1p3" 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: .. - details: failed while activating:/dev/mapper//dev/nvme0n1p3 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: Calamares will quit when the dialog closes. 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): QML Component (default slideshow) deactivated 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: void Config::doNotify(bool, bool) 2024-06-24 - 19:11:44 [6]: Sending notification of completion: failed